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Website Services: Mobile friendly website design and upgrade

This is a very exciting time we live in technology wise and mobile devices have a significant impact on the way html data is viewed. Effective navigation systems are a priority and large images need to be compensated for.
Website layout designs for desktop computers typically follow a landscape style orientation while mobile devices favor a portrait style orientation with longer running vertical pages.
Allowing for both of these styles presents special challenges to clearly dislay information and provide effective navigational elements. It is inevitable that websites need to be smarter and accomodate both desktop and mobile device users. Google is setting the trend and is no longer including mobile un-friendly pages in any Google Mobile search results.
Try these tools:
The Google PageSpeed Insights tool: ~ Analyze this webpage
  • The Google Mobile-Friendly Test tool: ~ Analyze this webpage
    Use these tools to see the results for this web page or analyze and review the results from web pages you are currently interested in.
  • Contact us for any consultation needs regarding mobile friendly designs or to update a current website to display perfectly for desktop, cell phone and tablet users.

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